United States
<p>I'm semi-retired, work as a substitute teacher. I bicycle, hike mountain trails, and exercise. At home I read (novels, psychology, history, poetry, science, politics, humor), watch movies (dramas, romantic comedies, foreign films, documentaries), listen to my stereo (mostly jazz, some classical, now and then some oldies but goodies), and play a musical instrument (bass). I enjoy talking and laughing with friends and going to music and art events. I believe in giving and forgiveness. I'm basically a simple, self-taught person.</p>
<p>I believe a relationship should be based on acceptance and kindness. No one is perfect. We all are made up of different parts. It's easy to label these parts "outgoing and shy, ingenious and slow, courageous and timid," and with other such contrasting features. But words, in describing a person, are limited. We can never know ourselves or another completely. Getting to know ourselves, and another, is an on-going process, without end. And so, in a relationship, a man and a woman share themselves with each other, listen to each other, and accept each other for the person they are and are always kind to each other.</p>
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<p>I believe a relationship should be based on acceptance and kindness. No one is perfect. We all are made up of different parts. It's easy to label these parts "outgoing and shy, ingenious and slow, courageous and timid," and with other such contrasting features. But words, in describing a person, are limited. We can never know ourselves or another completely. Getting to know ourselves, and another, is an on-going process, without end. And so, in a relationship, a man and a woman share themselves with each other, listen to each other, and accept each other for the person they are and are always kind to each other.</p>
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United States
Palm Springs