<p><span style="color:#2a2f35;font-family:'GT America', sans-serif;font-size:17px;">I am a curvy full figured fabulous 54 woman who is wanting a little more out of life. If you are looking for that skinny perfect barbie doll figure well keep on moving. I am well on my way to becoming that curvy woman that I have imagined but not quite there yet. If looks is all you care about again keep moving. I am friggin amazing!! I am a woman who is a little old fashion. I am a pagan and I love it. I cook, clean and I love to take care of my home and my man, I truly believe that life was so much more simpler back in the 60's when the woman did just that while the man brought home the bacon. You do not have to be rich to be in my world but you do need to take care of your business. I am very sexual woman so if you are done with sex and feel there is no room in you life to make love than I suggest you keep moving on. Now I will stop here, have to leave something to talk about, so if you would like to get to know me and I strike your fancy then drop me a line, Kisses Jojo</span></p>